Photography Coursework
Alesja Popova

Alesja Popova
At this point in my project I have came to a conclusion that I need to develop my ideas even more, I think the topic i chose to centre my coursework portfolio is very limited and therefore I am unable to expand. Due to this I have decided to look at some slow shutter speed artists on pinterest and I believe thier work is very inspiring, therefore I would like to try to use this technique. To do this I think It would be better to research first so that i have a good insight as to how I go about completing a slow shutter speed photoshoot. The first artist that caught my attention was Alesja Popova. He is a Ballet dancer photographer therefore his images include plenty of movement and slow shutter speed. All of Popovas photographs are converted into black and white, I think this is effective because it shows how graceful ballet dancers are. It also makes the shadows more distinct which then show more movement.