Photography Coursework
Alberto Seveso
Alberto Seveso
Alberto Seveso is one of my favourite artists that i have researched yet. The way that he edits his images makes the final outcome very exclusive and fascinating. Due to that fact that his images are so unique no other artist has done anything similar to his work, which makes him stand out from the crowd. All of his models in his photographs are quite serious, however there are a fair few, which aren’t. For example, Alberto has produced a particular image where he has used a Lego model and his smoke. He has been very clever when composing the object as the Lego model looks as if he is riding a wave. The main colour used in that photo is blue, this is obviously because the smoke is representing a wave. This is unusual for Seveso as he usually uses the smoke to carve his models faces, he doesn’t always use the full models face he sometimes uses just half of it or even just a section, such as the mouth area. The fact that he does this makes every photoshoot different even though he uses the same effect. He combines both art techniques and photography into his final images. This is the reason why I like Alberto's work. Another photo that is different from his usual work is the one were his model is dressed as a nurse. It looks like it is meant to have a Halloween theme because the main model has some white eye contacts in or he could have just edited them out. She is also wearing a nurse outfit covered in blood but the artists might have wanted his audience to think this but in fact she is just covered in blood because her occupation is a nurse and they are often surrounded by blood.